What is Functional Range Release?

Functional Range Release is a scientifically proven advanced soft tissue management system, which focuses on the assessment, localization, and systematic treatment of soft-tissue adhesions and areas of fibrosis (scar tissue) which typically develop as a result of injury, repetitive strain, and/or cumulative trauma.

By utilizing specific Tissue Tension Techniques & Progressive Angular Isometric Loading, Functional Range Release expands on the basic tenets of myofascial release treatments by simultaneously assessing, expanding, and strengthening the patient’s functional range of motion.

Functional Range Release

* To book a Fucntional Range Release treatment, please look for the ‘massage  therapy + functional range release’ treatment options on our service menu, or call the clinic at 416-567-2896 .

How is Functional Range Release different from regular massage therapy?

Functional Range Release differs from massage therapy in such that its basic premise is to focus on the central nervous system, which controls and governs muscle length/tension, has a much greater influence and control of a person’s joint range of motion. It was previously widely believed that muscles were responsible for limiting a person’s joint range of motion. Evidence now confirms that a person’s central nervous system, which controls and governs muscle length/tension, has a much greater influence and control of a person’s joint range of motion.

The principles of Functional Range Release primarily focus on influencing the central nervous system to allow for greater joint range of motion and strength/functional range, by “reconnecting’ or re-acquainting the brain to a previously lost, guarded or weak range of motion, leading to the expansion of the participant’s useable and functional range of motion.  Seeing as greater functional ranges of motion, and increased neurological control of  one’s tissues and joints tend to lead to less muscle strains, (or at least less severe strains when they actually occur), you can easily see why how this can be useful for an athlete or anyone who uses their bodies a lot throughout the day, or has a physical job (construction workers, labourers etc). No other soft tissue management system to date has the same focus.